We help companies enter the mobile world.
We have all the tools and expertise required to create mobile apps — from co-creating the business vision, to designing, coding, to publishing the finished product. We liberate you from the need to find and manage experts, designers, and software engineers.
We build the bridge between business and technology. We translate the intricacies of IT into the language you understand. You set the goals and the business vision, and we take care of implementing them.
You think that building a mobile app will take long months? We are lean, which means that for us making a basic version of an app is a matter of a few weeks!
We translate business goals and requirements into particular features of your mobile app.
We create a visual wireframe of an app and validate our assumptions with its future users.
We believe in simple beauty and elegance. We know the value of the first impression. We'll take care of your looks.
Almost nine out of ten mobile devices out there run Android. We build apps for that platform.
Apple devices are a minority that sets trends in the mobile industry. We assure your presence in that lucrative space.
Using our expertise and the latest business creation tools we will help you enter the mobile world.
Always at the crossroads between engineering and soft skills, for years I've been involved in translating latest technologies into human language.
During the 15 years of my professional career I have taken many different roles: a mobile developer, technical advisor, project manager, team lead, and mobile product designer among them.
I love to help out solving problems, using either digital tools or just a pencil and a piece of paper, depending on the need of the hour.
Apart from my managerial and consulting roles, I still code mobile apps. I put much emphasis on code's clarity, cleanliness and usability. People say I'm a perfectionist. Results of my work have to be easy to use and visually attractive.
At mobi.garden I create product visions, manage projects, and coordinate work of experts. And I still do what is a lot of fun to me — I code apps for both mobile platforms.
We're a compact team of experts in several domains. What brings us together is our passion and personal engagement. We rely on individuals' strong sides, close cooperation, mutual trust and quick problem solving, rather than on procedures, hierarchies, and overly detailed plans.
A Full-Stack developer. On the server side, he uses Node or PHP. On the front-end, he prefers React. He will set up Linux and an AWS-based infrastructure. React Native enthusiast.
In his spare time, he plays Brazilian samba and roams over Asian dirt roads on a moped.
A talented Gdansk Fine Arts Academy graduate. After a few years of purely artistic assignments, she has headed towards a more of an engineering domain: digital user interface design. She intelligently combines creativity and intuition, strongly based upon her experience in graphic design.
Off-hours, she is a passionate lover of cats of the Central European breed.
At mobi.garden, she handles creative marketing, social networks, and utilizing digital tools for product sales and monetization. A keen copywriter. She loves going off the beaten track and beyond the clichés.
A woman of many faces — she's also into musical journalism and classical singing.
A valued specialist in the field of modern technologies and non-standard methods in education and culture. Until now, in the course of his career he was heading educational institutions, implementing International Baccalaureate program in Polish schools, creating museum education offer and teaching at several different age groups.
A staunch advocate of minimalism and good style.
We will release a basic version of your app in a matter of weeks. And just a few days after we start our cooperation, you will receive the product prototype showing what the app will look like and how most important features will work.
Find out how we make it possible.
First thing we do is meet together to define the business goals, user personas, and the resulting app features. Out of them, we will cherry-pick the ones that are most crucial, will make your product stand out, and make users fall in love with it.
After the first week we will deliver an app prototype — the outcome of the UX designer's work. You can install it on any smartphone and see what the main app screens look like. Moreover, you can tap through its features like in a real app! You can distribute such a digital mock-up among your friends and potential app users. It will give us valuable insight into users' first impressions and will allow us to make amends based on that knowledge. For you, it will be a great opportunity to win over the sceptics at your company.
After gathering feedback from the future app users, we will create a complete visual design of your app. Along with the list of features, it will form a foundation for the developers' work towards the real, working app.
At mobi.garden, you're not buying a pig in a poke. Just after the first phase of development, you will receive an early developer release of the app. You'll be able to play with it and see it in action. What's more, we will make it possible to install it in a closed group of alpha testers you choose. This early version includes the first bunch of screens and a backbone of navigation between the app features.
Before the public release of a finished product, we will deliver a „golden build” of the app. That is a complete version for testing among designated test users. We will do quality assurance of all features, fix any possible issues and polish the app so that it's ready to go into the wild.
This amazing moment marks not the end, but actually the beginning of a great story. We publicly release the app, the marketing efforts kick in, and we start gathering feedback from the app's real users. Thanks to that, we will be able to begin work on the next, even better version of your product!